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North Kitsap School District

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Capital Projects Plan for Summer 2022

Capital Projects Plan for Summer 2022

We are thrilled to share with you our ambitious Capital Projects Plan for Summer 2022, as we continue our commitment to enhancing the experiences and facilities for our local community. The Citizens Facility Advisory Committee, a team dedicated to examining and recommending these improvements, has reviewed and approved this dynamic proposal, which carries forward the momentum established by the 2018 Capital Projects Levy.

This comprehensive plan includes a myriad of enriching projects, expected to cost around $10 million in total. These projects are not only geared towards improving our community's physical infrastructure but also towards modernizing our technology and security systems.

Among the standout projects in this plan are:

  1. A much-needed HVAC replacement at Vinland Elementary
  2. Enhancements to KHS and NKHS track, field, and tennis facilities
  3. Drainage improvements for Richard Gordon Elementary's playfield
  4. A broad array of technology upgrades across various campuses
  5. Significant security enhancements, including a security intrusion pilot at Kingston Middle School

We are excited about the long-term architectural and master planning that is currently in progress. This thoughtful preparation aims to sustain and further our community's development in the coming years.

As it stands, our current fund balance is around $9.3 million. We are anticipating an additional estimated $5.9 million from Spring collections. It is worth noting, however, that due to supply chain disruptions, project bids are coming in higher than expected, which may have some impact on project timelines and costs.

We anticipate the majority of the summer projects will be billed by September. The successful passage of the 2023 Capital Levy would enable us to hire additional staff and architects, and potentially purchase property to facilitate our development plans.

We want to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to our community members who approved the 2018 Capital Projects Levy. Your support has been instrumental in driving the progress of these initiatives.

We believe in transparency and invite you to review the proposed projects and their respective budgets in detail. Your feedback, as always, is invaluable. Together, we can create spaces that are safe, enjoyable, and conducive to growth for all.

Thank you for your continued support. We are eager to start on these projects and can't wait to see the positive impact they will bring to our community.

View the Summer 2022 Capital Projects Proposal