Snow Routes
Find Your Snow Bus Route
In bad weather, we may limit bus service routes based on road conditions. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
Please note:
- Students who are picked up at an inclement weather bus stop in the morning are dropped off at the same stop in the afternoon
- Students need to arrive at the inclement weather stop by the normal time for their regular stop. However, when schools open two hours late, bus stops are also two hours late.
- Please talk with your child about how to stay safe while walking and waiting.
If you live on one of the roads below, use the designated inclement weather bus stop. If your road is NOT listed, your child can catch the bus at his or her regular stop.
Elementary Schools
Poulsbo, Hilder Pearson, Vinland
Richard Gordon, Suquamish, David Wolfle
Secondary Schools
North Kitsap High School, Poulsbo Middle School
Kingston High School, Kingston Middle School
Contact Us
Transportation Department
Ron Lee Transportation Center
26000 NE Siyaya Avenue
Kingston, WA 98346
(360) 396-3099
Fax (360) 396-3929