Opt Out Request in Skyward
Complete an online request through Skyward Family Access – after the annual Online Check-In process ends.
- Login to Skyward Family Access
- Click on the “Student Info” button on the left side of the page.
- Click on “Request Changes for (Student Name)” on the top right side of the page.
- Select “Student Information” in the dropdown menu.
- Make changes to the “Allow Publication of Student’s Name for:” section at the bottom of the page. You can select “Yes” or “No” to any of the following options:
- Military: If you select “No,” NKSD will not release student information to military recruiters (grades 9-12 only).
- Higher Ed: If you select “No,” NKSD will not release student directory information to institutions of higher education or the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for purposes outlined in RCW 28B.10.041. This includes withholding names, addresses, and contact details for students in grades 9-12 from being shared with OSPI for postsecondary admissions and financial aid awareness initiatives.
- Public: If you select “No’” student directory information and photo will not be shared with any person, entity, or organization outside of NKSD and its partner groups e.g., PTSA, NK Schools Foundation, and booster clubs. Your child’s info will NOT: appear in news releases, school/district websites and social media pages, yearbooks, class photos, student/PTSA directories, athletic/activities vent programs and flyers, awards listings, or be announced at graduation. See Board Policy/Procedure 3231 on our website for more information.
- KRL Library: If you select “No,” NKSD will not release student information to Kitsap Regional Library (KRL) for the purpose of setting up student library accounts. This means that your student's information will not be shared with KRL, and they will not automatically receive a library account.