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North Kitsap School District

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NKSD Celebrates Community and Student Leaders

NKSD Celebrates Community and Student Leaders

Monday evening ESD Region 114 hosted the annual Regional Awards Ceremony for the Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA). At this event, school districts from the Kitsap and Olympic peninsulas recognize outstanding community leaders in our school districts. Additionally, this year's ceremony included honoring student leadership. NKSD acknowledged the exceptional efforts of two high school leaders, Viapaia Woo-Ching from KHS, and Julia Beatty from NKHS, and also recognized the contributions of Kingston Cares and ShareNet, our community partners.

Student Leadership Awards - Consideration for this WASA recognition is based on criteria that includes demonstrating leadership and serving as a role model by participating in, and organizing events that promote respect for diversity, equity and individual differences.

Vaipaia Woo-Ching - Kingston High School
Paia is a sophomore at Kingston High School represents leadership, positive role modeling, and initiative to promote access, equity and social justice through many activities both inside and outside of the school community. She promotes a culture of academic achievement, while also helping to cultivate a culture of a safe, supportive environment for learning. She offers her help to students through peer tutoring, and takes time throughout her day to support students in need. Paia is keenly aware of social justice and equity issues in the school, and can be found extending her support to other students daily and working to begin conversations to address concerns.

Julia Beatty - North Kitsap High School
Julia, a senior at NKHS is currently the ASB president and has been a uniting force in the school for the last four years. As a leader, she understands how to bring people of diverse backgrounds together. She asks challenging questions that have led to change and improvement, and lifting more student voices. Julia is a champion for all the students in her school, and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for her.

Community Leadership Awards - Kingston Cares and ShareNet were recognized for their vital work providing nutritious meals to students and families in our Kingston area schools weekly and during school breaks.

Kingston Cares Food4kids program, led by Jane Mack, provides and delivers nutritious meals to over 120 Kingston area students who lack access to other food programs during school breaks. Between 2011 and 2022, Food4Kids has provided over 96,300 meals. In 2022 they provided 11,000.

ShareNet’s Food to Grow On (Food2GO) provides portable nutritious food to students in Kingston schools who are dealing with food insecurities. This program fills over 100 backpacks each week during the school year. Mr. Jerry Uslund accepted the award on behalf of ShareNet.

“A child who is hungry, a child whose basic needs are not being met, cannot learn. Kingston Cares and ShareNet in Kingston have been essential to the success of our children. The pandemic highlighted the vital role that these organizations play in supporting our children each and every day,” Dr. Evans, NKSD Superintendent, shared. “It’s been said many times that schools cannot do it alone, and I am so grateful for these community partners.”

Photo of Julia Beatty receiving an award Vaipaia Woo-Ching receiving award awards image Jane Mack and Jerry UslundAll awardees photo