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North Kitsap School District

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Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade

Fifth Grade

Building Confidence and Preparing for the Next Chapter!

A note to families and caregivers: As your child enters fifth grade, the final year of elementary school, it’s a pivotal time to think about their readiness for middle school and adolescence. This year is crucial for developing and refining the skills needed for future success. Your child will be working on reading, writing, speaking, and handling complex mathematics problems, as well as asking insightful questions and applying evidence in science and social studies. They may also start to explore interests in the arts or athletics. In addition, 5th grade is the year when students receive their first lessons on Sexual Health, per state mandate.

It’s important to work closely with your child’s teachers to understand their progress and challenges. Knowing the skills they need to develop and helping them build strong study habits, practice routines, social relationships, and physical health will support their transition to middle school.

Our Curriculum for Fifth Graders Includes:

  • English Language Arts: CKLA (Core Knowledge Language Arts) CKLA helps students deepen their reading and writing skills through engaging texts and rigorous analysis. They explore a variety of genres and focus on enhancing their ability to comprehend, write, and communicate effectively. Here is the link to the CKLA Family Hub
  • Mathematics: i-Ready Mathematics The i-Ready Mathematics program provides comprehensive instruction on complex topics such as multi-digit operations, fractions, and introductory geometry. The interactive lessons are designed to build strong mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. iReady Family Center
  • Science: DoDEA Curriculum Our science curriculum, provided by the DoDEA (Department of Defense Education Activity), offers hands-on learning experiences and explores various scientific concepts. Students engage in experiments and investigations to understand physical, earth, and life sciences. In grade 5, science lessons continue to build a strong foundation for learning more about the world around us. The DODEA curriculum applies a special approach to teaching science that includes three main parts:
  • Core Ideas: Key science topics we explore.
  • Science Practices: How scientists work and solve problems.
  • Crosscutting Concepts: Big ideas that connect different science topics.

Students get interactive, scientific method experiences by investigating interesting events and solving real-world problems. They also use the engineering design process to create solutions and understand how things work.

  • Family Life and Sexual Health (FLASH) Curriculum:  In the spring, fifth graders are introduced to sexual health through a 14-lesson unit on Family Life and Sexual Health using the FLASH curriculum offered by King County. Lessons include a variety of strategies designed to create positive attitudes, beliefs, and norms and to build skills in order to reduce rates of pregnancy, STDs, and sexual violence. FLASH includes a strong family-involvement component which helps to further increase protective factors that support students in remaining abstinent, using birth control and condoms, and respecting others decisions not to have sex.
  • Parents/guardians will receive information about the FLASH lessons from their child’s teacher at least 30 days in advance of the first day of lesson one instruction.
  • Parents/guardians are invited to review the FLASH curriculum and may access all lessons and content through the classroom teacher or through contacting the school principal.
  • Upon review of the curriculum and if desired, parents/caregivers may opt out of one or more of the FLASH lessons in accordance with state law. For general information about the FLASH Curriculum, visit the King County website here.
  • Social-Emotional Learning: The RULER approach supports students in developing emotional intelligence. They learn to recognize, understand, and manage their emotions, which helps them navigate social interactions and build positive relationships. For more information on the RULER approach, click here.

This year is about preparing your child for the exciting challenges ahead, and we are here to support their growth every step of the way!

To review state standards and explore further resources, please visit this site with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction: OSPI Parent Resources.