Title I / LAP
Title 1, Part A
Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a federal program designed to ensure that every student has access to a high-quality education and to address achievement gaps among student groups. The North Kitsap School District (NKSD) is dedicated to implementing Title I, Part A in a way that supports students who are not meeting standard levels in literacy and, in some schools, math. The district's mission is to provide intensive intervention to these students, accelerating their learning process and helping them quickly reach or exceed standards.
Title I, Part A programs in the NKSD are aimed at providing targeted assistance to students who need additional support. The district identifies schools with higher rates of free and reduced lunch compared to the district average, and these schools receive funding to support the identified students. To determine which students require assistance, multiple measures are used, including test scores, district assessments, grades, reading assessments, and teacher observations.
The NKSD ensures that students identified for Title I services are taught by highly qualified, certified teachers in small group settings. These dedicated educators provide personalized instruction, focusing on the specific needs of each student to accelerate their learning progress. The goal is not only to help students meet academic standards but also to foster an active and engaged interest in their learning journey.
As a parent or guardian in the NKSD, you play a vital role in your child's education. You have the right to request regular information or meetings about Title I programs. If you have any questions or need additional support, you are encouraged to reach out to your child's school principal or contact the Teaching and Learning Services department. They will be able to provide you with more information about the Title I, Part A programs in the district and address any concerns you may have.
The NKSD values the involvement of parents and the community in the education process. By working together, we can ensure that all students receive the support they need to succeed academically and close achievement gaps. The district is committed to transparency, and by actively engaging with the school and district, you can stay informed about the Title I, Part A programs and actively participate in your child's educational journey.
For more information visit OSPI's Closing Educational Achievement Gaps (Title I, Part A) Webpage
Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) at North Kitsap School District is designed to provide intensive academic support to eligible students who are experiencing challenges in core subjects like reading, writing, and math, as well as in acquiring the foundational skills necessary to learn these subjects. This program targets students who require additional help to ensure their academic success.
NKSD places a special focus on the early grades, utilizing state LAP funds to create robust programs designed to give these students the solid foundation they need for future academic achievements. Furthermore, each elementary school within the district is equipped with a dedicated LAP Reading Specialist. These specialists work directly with students, providing the necessary support to enhance their reading capabilities.
For more information visit OSPI's Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Webpage
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and Parental Rights
As a parent of a student in a school benefiting from Title I funds, you are entitled to be informed about the professional credentials of the teachers and paraeducators who educate your child. Should you want to inquire about the qualifications of your child's teacher and instructional paraprofessional, please reach out to the school's principal. We've provided templates for such requests here, available in several languages for your convenience.
Citizen Complaint Procedures
The North Kitsap School District (NKSD) provides parents of students, and to appropriate private school officials, with comprehensive information about the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's (OSPI's) formal complaint procedures at no cost. These procedures are in place to address any potential violations of federal statutes or regulations pertaining to Title I, Part A programs. This information can be referenced in Chapter 392-168 WAC Special Services Programs—Citizen Complaint Procedures for Certain Categorical Federal Programs.
For more information on Citizen Complaints, visit OSPI's Citizen Complaint webpage